Week 14: Learning from Social Media Analytics 1 & 2

 Personally for Essential Credit Management, I think the best part of Google Analytics is the Reports. After doing some research, they have a very in depth way of reporting user activity. They have audience, advertising, acquisition, behavior, conversion, real-time, user reports, data freshness, unsampled reports and roll up reporting. The reason why this is so crucial for my business is because I need to be able to see what my users are engaging with. Being able to monitor real time and see what my clients need as a consultant is so crucial to my business. 

By Monday:

Facebook analytics allows users to organize their social media engagements. Analytics gives an algorithm that works with you and your business to promote your plan. By tracking what does and does not work for you, it helps narrow down how people react to your posts and allow you to improve whatever content may need improvements. Facebook analytics shows how many people the post reached, views, likes, engagement, responsiveness, orders, videos, followers and previews. This app allows business owners a detailed description of what they need to work on and what they do well.


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