Week 9: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts and Webinars Part 1 and 2

 By Thursday:

Adding human interest to a blog post has the power to potentially generate more traffic and help bring in new leads. When you help consumers with how to videos and creative tips, you give them the power to be able to learn things for themselves. Blogging serves as a source of information that is beneficial to the consumer. Giving life hacks and other tips and tricks allow you to humanize your company and show consumers that they are more than just a customer. With blogs, you’re able to interact and get helpful feedback about your product. The more consistent you are, the more likely you are to be successful. Have new content will allow you to be fresh and up to date. As long as your business and blog are similar, you will be able to find your niche and thrive. 

By Monday:

In order to stay on top of things, I personally would use hashtags that promote wellness, wealth and finances. Words like freedom, debt, bondage, money and other inspirational words that give hope would be used. I want people to understand that even though it’s very stressful, not having debt is achievable. Having the explore page hashtag is also one way you can promote yourself and your page. It allows different audiences of people to see your business and may help with your services 


  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFyCimLBB17/?igshid=1osrmokl1phyx

  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0CGO9psTk/?igshid=h1noouplrwv8

  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGTV7E6lzLY/?igshid=1xduah60eijw3

  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGy7BNCFtrn/?igshid=1wasqhvs7sb4i


  1. Hi Brittany! I love that you mentioned how to videos and quick tips as forms of blog content. Users are always searching online for how to do certain things! If your business makes content that helps them in some way, chances are they will feel compelled to follow your business. It really does help humanize your business because these shared tips show that your business cares about its consumers. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Another well written blog! I think the hash tag words you chose are quite powerful. I think the more information you can share to help others, the better. It really creates a strong bond between the reader and potential consumer and your business.

  3. Hi Brittany! Great job on this blog post, hashtags are a great way to stay on top of things I did not think of that!

    I follow a handful of people because they share great tips and tricks so that is definitely a way to connect with your customers and show you actually care about them.


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