Week 7: Get A Visual

This weeks assignment was to create an Instagram. Instagram can be used to promote your self as well as your business. In today’s world you are your brand and it is important that you establish who you are and what you want to stand for. I checked out three Instagram‘s this week. The art jive had a very high following and is doing a great job capitalizing on Instagram and using this platform to promote her products as well as offer incentives and discounts. Jumping jellybean is a streamer who recently hit 1K and it looks like she’s on her way to promoting herself and her online gaming career. Lastly, I looked at Ari Campbell. Her artwork, as well as the flow of her page we’re very well thought out and aesthetically pleasing. From the three pages that I looked at, it confirms how anybody can use Instagram to promote their business. I think the most important thing is recognizing who your audiences and capitalizing on like-minded people. Each Instagram was different, so their followers will be different.

Instagram is a great place to promote your business, get prospective clients and reach audiences at a faster and higher rate than a traditional website would. Instagram builds a community and allows people to find where they belong and what type of things they might be interested in. I think however one thing that is important, is consistency with posting and making sure that the people who follow you are getting content.





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