Week 5: Setting up a Facebook Business Page
When dealing with Facebook business, there are a few terms entrepreneurs must become familiar with starting out. In order to be successful, one must understand the difference between post reach and post engagement. Post reach is referred to as the amount of people saw your post. However, post engagement are the actions taken off that post, whether it is shared, liked or caused a potential client to move forward with your product or service. It is important that we know the difference between the two because reach has to do with the audience, but post engagement is who in that audience takes extra steps to become a client or use your services. One of the greatest things about Facebook Insights is the amount of data collected. Entrepreneurs are able to gage what posts, videos and content connect with users and which ones don’t. Being able to track active users and establish what demographic you are reaching allows you to do your own analysis of your target market. Bein...